The top 56 software development tools in the UK

This comprehensive guide provides you with the top 56 software development tools used in the UK to make your work easier and improve the quality of your code.

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Expert software development tools

Software development is an ever-evolving field that requires software developers to keep up with the latest technologies and tools to help them build and maintain software applications. As one of the leading software development companies in the UK and South Africa, SovTech developers have access to a wide range of tools that can make their work easier and more efficient. 

This article provides a comprehensive guide to the top 56 software development tools used in the UK, including Integrated Development Environments (IDEs), Code Editors, Version Control Systems, Collaboration Tools, Testing and Debugging Tools, Framework tools, database tools and Deployment and Hosting Tools. Whether you are a seasoned developer or just starting out, this guide will help you find the best tools to use for your next project.
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Expert software development tools

This comprehensive guide that SovTech has created, provides you with the top 56 software development tools used in the UK to make your work easier and improve the quality of your code. 

Integrated Development Environments

IDEs offer features such as code editing, debugging, and testing, which make the development process faster and easier.
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Code Editors

Code editors are lightweight tools that help developers write and edit code. They offer basic functionality to make the development process faster and easier.
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Version Control Systems

Version control systems are tools that help developers manage changes to code over time, track changes to code and collaborate with others.
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Collaboration Tools

Collaboration tools help developers work together on the same project. They offer features such as chat, project management, and file sharing.
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Testing and Debugging Tools

Testing and debugging tools help developers identify and fix bugs in their code. They are essential for ensuring that software is reliable.
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Framework Tools

A tool that provides a structure and set of guidelines for developing applications, making it easier to build and maintain software systems.
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Database Tools

A tool that is used for managing and organising data in a database, including database design, creation, querying, and maintenance.
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Deployment and Hosting Tools

Deployment and hosting tools help developers deploy and host their software and are essential for ensuring that software is live.
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Integrated Development Environments

An Integrated Development Environment (IDE) is an all-in-one software development tool that provides developers with everything they need to build software in one package. IDEs offer features such as code editing, debugging, and testing, which make the development process faster and easier.

The following are the top IDEs used in the UK:



BlueJ is an Integrated Development Environment (IDE) specifically designed for teaching and learning Java programming. It was developed at the University of Kent in the United Kingdom and is now maintained by a team of developers.

The BlueJ IDE provides a simplified interface and visual tools to help beginners understand the fundamental concepts of object-oriented programming. It also provides a code editor, debugger, and project management tools that make it easier for students to write and test Java programs.

One of the unique features of BlueJ is its visualisation tool, which allows users to see the structure and interactions of Java objects in real-time. This feature is especially useful for teaching concepts like inheritance, polymorphism, and encapsulation.

BlueJ also offers a number of resources on their website to help get you started. From a free textbook, tutorials and teacher support to extensions to help adapt BlueJ to your needs.

BlueJ is available for Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux, and is free to download and use. It is widely used in schools and universities around the world as a teaching tool for introductory Java programming courses. It is important to note that although BlueJ works across a variety of platforms and operating systems, the most recent version makes use of Java 11+ which requires a 64bit operating system for Windows.

Cloud 9 IDE

Cloud 9 IDE is a web-based integrated development environment (IDE) that allows developers to write, run, and debug their code from anywhere with an internet connection. It was initially released in 2010 and later acquired by Amazon in 2016.

One of the significant advantages of Cloud 9 IDE is its cloud-based infrastructure. Developers can collaborate on the same codebase in real-time, allowing for increased productivity and reduced development time. Additionally, developers can access their projects and workspaces from any device with internet access, which makes it an excellent tool for remote work and distributed teams.

The IDE supports various programming languages, including Python, JavaScript, Ruby, PHP, and more. Cloud 9 IDE has a built-in code editor that includes features like syntax highlighting, auto-complete, and code highlighting. Moreover, it supports version control integration with Git and SVN.

Cloud 9 IDE also has powerful debugging capabilities that allow developers to debug their applications with ease. It includes a graphical debugger, console, and inspector tools, which help identify bugs and errors quickly.

Cloud 9 IDE is an excellent cloud-based integrated development environment that provides a seamless experience for developers to collaborate, develop, and debug their applications. Its features make it an ideal choice for remote work, distributed teams, and multi-language development projects.

Cloud 9 IDE is free to use.


Eclipse IDE (Integrated Development Environment) is a popular open-source (free) software development tool used by developers to build software applications. It provides a range of features and functionalities that streamline the coding process and make it easier for developers to write, test, and debug their code.

One of the key advantages of Eclipse IDE is its support for multiple programming languages, including Java, C++, Python, PHP, and many more. This allows developers to work on a variety of projects using a single tool. Eclipse IDE also offers a rich set of plugins and extensions, which can be customised to meet the specific needs of a project.

Another notable feature of Eclipse IDE is its comprehensive debugging capabilities. The tool provides a range of tools and utilities to help developers identify and fix errors in their code, including breakpoints, variable inspection, and step-by-step execution.

Eclipse IDE also includes an intuitive user interface and a range of productivity tools to help developers work more efficiently. These include auto-completion, code templates, and syntax highlighting, among others. Furthermore, Eclipse IDE can be extended with a range of third-party tools and plugins, allowing developers to tailor the environment to their specific needs.

Eclipse IDE is a powerful and versatile development tool that offers a range of features and functionalities to help developers build software applications efficiently and effectively.

IntelliJ IDEA

IntelliJ IDEA is a Java integrated development environment (IDE) developed by JetBrains. It is widely regarded as one of the most powerful and feature-rich IDEs available for Java developers. It offers a comprehensive suite of tools to help developers write, debug, and test code efficiently.

One of the key strengths of IntelliJ IDEA is its code intelligence features. These include code completion, code analysis, and quick fixes, all of which make it easier for developers to write correct, high-quality code. IntelliJ IDEA also includes a range of productivity features, such as live templates, which can save developers time by automating common coding tasks.

IntelliJ IDEA offers extensive support for a wide range of programming languages and frameworks. In addition to Java, it supports languages such as Kotlin, Scala, and Groovy, and frameworks such as Spring and Hibernate. This makes it a popular choice for developers working with complex and diverse codebases.

Another key feature of IntelliJ IDEA is its integration with build tools such as Maven and Gradle, as well as with version control systems such as Git. This allows developers to easily manage their codebase and collaborate with others on the same project.

IntelliJ IDEA is a powerful and versatile IDE that can help developers be more productive and efficient in their Java development work. Its extensive features and support for multiple languages and frameworks make it a popular choice for developers working on complex and demanding projects.

IntelliJ IDEA has a free community edition and IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate which costs around $16.99 per month for an individual developer and $59.99 for businesses.


NetBeans is a popular Integrated Development Environment (IDE) that provides developers with a range of features to create Java-based applications. It is open-source software that is available for free, making it a great choice for both beginners and professional developers.

One of the primary advantages of NetBeans is its user-friendly interface, which allows developers to create and manage projects easily. The platform also supports a range of programming languages, including Java, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, and C++. It comes equipped with features like code highlighting, syntax checking, code completion, and debugging, which can significantly reduce development time and help prevent errors.

NetBeans also offers several plugins that can be used to extend its functionality, allowing developers to customise the IDE according to their needs. The platform's collaboration tools enable multiple developers to work on the same project simultaneously, which can streamline the development process and improve efficiency.

NetBeans is an excellent IDE for Java-based application development, thanks to its user-friendly interface, support for multiple programming languages, extensive feature set, and customisable plugin options. Its ability to facilitate collaboration between developers and its open-source nature make it a great choice for anyone looking to develop high-quality software at no cost.


PyCharm is an Integrated Development Environment (IDE) used for Python programming language. It was created by JetBrains and provides developers with a platform to write, debug, and test their Python code. Here are some key features of PyCharm:

  • PyCharm provides suggestions for code completion as you type, making coding faster and more accurate. It also highlights errors in real-time, making it easier to catch mistakes.
  • PyCharm has a built-in debugger that allows developers to step through their code, set breakpoints, and inspect variables at runtime.
  • PyCharm allows developers to organise their code into projects, making it easy to navigate through different files and folders.
  • PyCharm integrates with popular version control systems like Git, allowing developers to easily manage their code changes.
  • PyCharm supports popular testing frameworks like pytest, making it easy to write and run tests within the IDE.
  • PyCharm includes code analysis tools that help identify potential issues and provide suggestions for improvements.
  • PyCharm has a large library of plugins that extend its functionality, making it easy to customise the IDE to fit your workflow.

PyCharm is a powerful IDE for Python development that helps developers write better code faster. PyCharm offers a free option and a variety of packages for professional developers. 

PyCharm is $9.90 per month for individual developers and $24.90 for organisations.

Visual Studio Code

Visual Studio Code is a free, open-source (free) code editor developed by Microsoft. It is widely used by developers for writing and debugging code in various programming languages such as Python, JavaScript, C++, and many more. Visual Studio Code is available for Windows, macOS, and Linux platforms.

One of the primary advantages of Visual Studio Code is its versatility. It supports a wide range of programming languages and comes equipped with a vast library of extensions that can be installed to enhance its capabilities. These extensions can provide features such as language support, debugging tools, and source control integration. This makes it easy for developers to customise the editor to their specific needs.

Visual Studio Code also provides a powerful debugging experience that allows developers to quickly find and fix issues in their code. It has a built-in debugger that supports multiple languages and can be used to debug code running in local or remote environments.

Another key feature of Visual Studio Code is its ease of use. It has a clean and intuitive interface that is easy to navigate, and its keyboard shortcuts and commands are well-documented, making it easy for developers to become proficient with the editor quickly.

Visual Studio Code is an excellent choice for developers looking for a powerful, customisable, and user-friendly code editor. Its versatility, extensive library of extensions, and robust debugging capabilities make it a popular choice among developers worldwide.

Code Editors

Code editors are lightweight tools that help developers write and edit code. They offer basic functionality to make the development process faster and easier.

The following are the top code editors used in the UK:

Code Editor


Atom is a free and open-source code editor developed by GitHub. It has quickly gained popularity among developers due to its customisable interface and powerful features. Atom is built on Electron, which is a framework for building desktop applications using web technologies. This makes Atom a lightweight, yet powerful code editor that is easily customisable with a variety of community-built packages and themes.

One of the key features of Atom is its package system. Atom has a vast library of community-built packages that can be installed to extend the functionality of the editor. These packages include everything from syntax highlighting for different programming languages, to code linting, and even version control integration. The package system makes Atom a versatile editor that can be tailored to suit the needs of individual developers.

Another feature that sets Atom apart from other code editors is its intuitive interface. Atom's interface is clean and easy to navigate, with a tabbed interface that allows for easy switching between open files. The editor also supports multiple panes, allowing users to view multiple files side-by-side.

Atom is a powerful and versatile code editor that is perfect for developers looking for a customisable and intuitive coding environment. Its vast library of community-built packages and themes, along with its clean and easy-to-navigate interface, make it a popular choice among developers of all skill levels.
Code Editor


Brackets is a popular open-source code editor designed for web developers. It was first released in 2014 and has since gained a large following due to its ease of use, extensive feature set, and strong community support. Brackets is available for free on Windows, macOS, and Linux operating systems.

One of the standout features of Brackets is its live preview feature, which allows developers to see the changes they make to their code in real-time as they work. This is particularly useful for front-end web development, where developers need to see how their code will look and behave in a web browser. Brackets also has a powerful autocomplete feature that makes coding faster and more efficient.

Brackets is highly extensible, with a large library of extensions available for download from the Brackets Extension Registry. These extensions can add additional functionality to the editor, such as support for new programming languages, code validation tools, and code snippets.

Brackets is a powerful and user-friendly code editor that is well-suited for web developers of all skill levels. Its live preview and autocomplete features, as well as its extensibility, make it a popular choice for web development projects.
Code Editor


Embold is a modern code analysis platform that helps developers improve the quality of their code. Ranging in price from free for 2 users to $4.99 for 50 users, Embold includes a code editor that is designed to work seamlessly with its analysis tools, providing developers with instant feedback on their code quality as they work. Embold is available as both a desktop application and a cloud-based service.

The Embold code editor includes a range of features to help developers write better code. These include syntax highlighting, code completion, and code navigation tools. The editor also includes integrations with popular version control systems like Git, making it easy to manage code changes and collaborate with other developers.

One of the key features of Embold is its code analysis tools. These can be used to identify issues with code quality, security, and maintainability. The platform includes a range of analysis tools, including code complexity analysis, duplication detection, and security vulnerability detection.

Embold also includes a dashboard that provides an overview of a project's code quality metrics, making it easy to identify areas that need improvement. The platform includes reporting and visualisation tools to help developers understand and communicate their code quality metrics to stakeholders.

Embold is a powerful code analysis platform that includes a code editor designed to work seamlessly with its analysis tools. It can help developers improve the quality of their code, identify and fix issues more quickly, and improve collaboration with other team members.
Code Editor


Notepad++ is a popular open-source code editor for Windows that provides a simple and lightweight environment for editing text and code. It was first released in 2003 and has since gained a large following due to its ease of use and extensive feature set. Notepad++ is available for free on Windows operating systems.

One of the standout features of Notepad++ is its syntax highlighting, which can recognise and colorize code for a wide range of programming languages. This makes it easy to read and navigate code, even in large files. Notepad++ also includes a wide range of plugins that can be used to add additional functionality, such as code completion, FTP support, and code validation tools.

Notepad++ includes a range of tools to help developers work more efficiently. These include a powerful find and replace tool, multi-document support, and a macro recorder for automating repetitive tasks. Notepad++ also includes a built-in FTP client, making it easy to edit files on remote servers.

Notepad++ is a simple and powerful code editor that is well-suited for developers who need a lightweight and fast editing environment. Its syntax highlighting, plugin support, and range of productivity tools make it a popular choice for developers working on Windows systems.
Code Editor

Sublime Text

Sublime Text is a popular code editor among developers that offers a range of features designed to help improve the coding experience. The editor is known for its simplicity, speed, and flexibility, making it a favourite among developers across different programming languages and platforms. Sublime Text may be downloaded and evaluated for free, however a license must be purchased for continued use at a cost of $99 for a single user and a tiered price structure for business users.

One of the main features of Sublime Text is its ability to manage large code bases efficiently. The editor provides features such as fast project switching, multiple panes, and a command palette that allows developers to navigate and access commands quickly. Sublime Text also supports powerful search and replace functionality that allows developers to find and replace text across multiple files and directories.

Another standout feature of Sublime Text is its customisability. Developers can extend the editor's functionality by installing third-party packages or writing their own plugins using Python. This allows developers to tailor the editor to their specific needs and workflow.

Sublime Text also offers a range of productivity features, including code folding, multiple selection, and syntax highlighting for different programming languages. These features help developers write code more efficiently and minimise errors.

Sublime Text is a versatile and powerful code editor that provides a range of features to improve the coding experience. Its speed, flexibility, and customisability make it a popular choice among developers across different programming languages and platforms.
Code Editor


Textpad is a powerful code editor designed for Windows. Costing £16.50 per single user liscense it is reasonably priced. It was first released in 1992 and has since become a popular choice among developers for its user-friendly interface, robust feature set, and flexibility.

One of the most notable features of Textpad is its ability to handle large files with ease. This makes it an ideal choice for developers working with codebases that span thousands of lines. Additionally, Textpad offers a customizable interface, allowing users to adjust the font, colour scheme, and other elements to their liking.


Textpad also comes equipped with a variety of productivity tools, such as syntax highlighting, code folding, and macros. These features help streamline the coding process and improve overall efficiency. Textpad also supports a wide range of programming languages, making it a versatile choice for developers working in multiple languages.

One potential drawback of Textpad is its lack of support for collaborative development. Unlike some other code editors, Textpad does not offer built-in tools for sharing and collaborating on code with other developers. However, this can be mitigated by using external tools, such as version control software, to manage code collaboration.

Textpad is a reliable and efficient code editor that offers a robust feature set and user-friendly interface. Its ability to handle large files, support for multiple programming languages, and customisable interface make it a popular choice among developers.
Code Editor


Vim is an open-source, powerful and highly configurable text editor that is popular among developers, particularly those who work on Unix-based systems. Vim has been around since 1991 and is still widely used today, thanks in part to its ability to customise nearly every aspect of the editing environment. Vim is available for free on Windows, macOS, and Linux operating systems.

One of the standout features of Vim is its modal editing system, which allows users to switch between different modes for editing and navigation. This can take some time to get used to, but it can be incredibly efficient once you master it. Vim also has a large number of keyboard shortcuts, which can be customised to suit your workflow.

Another key feature of Vim is its ability to work with large files quickly and efficiently. Vim can load and edit files with millions of lines of code without slowing down, thanks to its buffer system and efficient memory management.

Vim also has a wide range of plugins and extensions available, which can add additional functionality to the editor. These include syntax highlighting for dozens of programming languages, code completion, and support for various version control systems.

Vim is a highly customisable and powerful text editor that is popular among developers who value efficiency and flexibility. While it has a bit of a learning curve, those who invest the time to learn its features and shortcuts can become incredibly productive in their coding work.

Version Control Systems

Version control systems are tools that help developers manage changes to code over time. They allow developers to track changes to code and collaborate with others on the same project.

The following are the top version control systems used in the UK:



Bitbucket is a cloud-based version control system that is designed to help teams collaborate on software development projects. Bitbucket provides a range of features that make it easy to track changes to code over time, collaborate with other team members, and manage code releases.

Bitbucket ranges in price with a free package, a standard package which costs $3 per user and a premium package at $6 per user. 

One of the key features of Bitbucket is its integration with other tools in the Atlassian suite, including JIRA and Confluence. This allows teams to manage their software development projects from a single platform, streamlining their workflow and improving their productivity.

Bitbucket also provides powerful collaboration features, including the ability to share code changes with other team members using branches and pull requests. Branches allow developers to work on different features or changes to the codebase independently, while pull requests provide a mechanism for reviewing and merging changes made by different team members.

Another key feature of Bitbucket is its support for continuous integration and deployment. This allows teams to automate their testing and deployment processes, ensuring that their code is tested and deployed automatically whenever changes are made.

Bitbucket also provides a range of tools for managing code releases, including the ability to tag specific revisions and create branches for bug fixes or new features.

Bitbucket is a powerful and flexible version control system that provides a range of features to help teams collaborate on software development projects. Its integration with other Atlassian tools, collaboration features, support for continuous integration and deployment, and release management tools make it a popular choice for teams working on both small and large projects.


CVS (Concurrent Versions System) is an open-source version control system that has been used by developers for many years to manage changes to their codebase. CVS provides a range of features that make it easy to track changes to code over time, collaborate with other team members, and manage code releases.

One of the key features of CVS is its support for multiple developers working on the same codebase simultaneously. This is achieved through the use of a centralised repository that stores all changes to the codebase. Developers can check out a copy of the codebase to their local machine, make changes, and then check those changes back into the repository.

CVS also provides powerful collaboration features, including the ability to share code changes with other team members using branches and merges. Branches allow developers to work on different features or changes to the codebase independently, while merges provide a mechanism for integrating changes made by different team members.

Another key feature of CVS is its support for tags and releases. This allows developers to mark specific versions of the codebase for release, making it easy to manage code releases.

While CVS has been a popular choice for many developers over the years, it has been largely superseded by newer version control systems such as Git and Mercurial. These systems provide more advanced features and better support for distributed development, making them better suited for modern software development workflows.

Overall, while CVS may no longer be the best choice for new software development projects, it remains a reliable and proven option for managing changes to legacy codebases or for organisations with specific needs or requirements.


Git is a popular open-source version control system that is widely used by developers to manage changes to their codebase. Git provides a range of features that make it easy to track changes to code over time, collaborate with other team members, and manage code releases.

One of the key features of Git is its ability to track changes to code using a system of commits. Each commit represents a snapshot of the code at a particular point in time, along with a description of the changes that were made. This makes it easy to see what has changed in the codebase over time and to revert to previous versions of the code if necessary.

Git also provides powerful collaboration features, including the ability to share code changes with other team members using branches and pull requests. Branches allow developers to work on different features or changes to the codebase independently, while pull requests provide a mechanism for reviewing and merging changes made by different team members.

Another key feature of Git is its support for distributed version control. This means that each team member has their own local copy of the codebase, allowing them to work independently without worrying about conflicts with other team members. Changes can then be shared and merged with the central codebase when they are ready.

Git is a powerful and flexible version control system that provides a range of features to help developers manage changes to their codebase in a collaborative environment. Its support for commits, branches, and pull requests, along with its distributed architecture, make it a popular choice for developers working on both small and large projects.


Mercurial is a distributed version control system that is widely used by developers to manage changes to their codebase. Like other version control systems, Mercurial provides a range of features that make it easy to track changes to code over time, collaborate with other team members, and manage code releases.

One of the key features of Mercurial is its ability to work offline. This means that developers can work on their local copy of the codebase without needing to be connected to the central server. Changes can then be synchronised with the central server when a connection is available.

Mercurial also provides powerful collaboration features, including the ability to share code changes with other team members using branches and merges. Branches allow developers to work on different features or changes to the codebase independently, while merges provide a mechanism for integrating changes made by different team members.

Another key feature of Mercurial is its support for extensions. This allows developers to customise Mercurial to suit their specific needs, adding new features and functionality as required.

Mercurial also provides a range of tools for managing code releases, including the ability to tag specific revisions and create branches for bug fixes or new features.

Mercurial is an open-source, flexible and powerful version control system that provides a range of features to help developers manage changes to their codebase in a collaborative environment. Its support for offline work, branches, merges, extensions, and release management make it a popular choice for developers working on both small and large projects.


Perforce is a centralised version control system that is widely used by developers to manage changes to their codebase. Perforce provides a range of features that make it easy to track changes to code over time, collaborate with other team members, and manage code releases.

Perforce offers a “Pay as You Grow” pricing model. It is free for up to 5 users, however over 6 users costs $29.99/year for standard and $39.99/year for premium.

One of the key features of Perforce is its ability to handle large binary files, which can be challenging for other version control systems. This makes Perforce well-suited to industries such as game development, where large files such as graphics and audio assets are common.

Perforce also provides powerful collaboration features, including the ability to share code changes with other team members using branches and streams. Branches allow developers to work on different features or changes to the codebase independently, while streams provide a mechanism for managing the flow of changes through the development process.

Another key feature of Perforce is its support for locking files. This allows team members to prevent other team members from making changes to the same file at the same time, reducing the risk of conflicts and making it easier to manage changes to the codebase.

Perforce also provides a range of tools for managing code releases, including the ability to tag specific revisions and create branches for bug fixes or new features.

Overall, Perforce is a powerful and reliable version control system that provides a range of features to help developers manage changes to their codebase in a collaborative environment. Its support for large binary files, branches, streams, locking, and release management make it a popular choice for developers working on projects in industries such as game development and engineering.

SQL Prompt

SQL Prompt is a free and powerful tool for writing and formatting SQL code. It includes a range of features that help developers work more efficiently, including code completion, formatting, and analysis tools. SQL Prompt also includes integration with version control systems, allowing developers to manage their SQL code in a collaborative environment.

Version control systems are used to track changes to code over time, allowing developers to collaborate and manage changes to their codebase. SQL Prompt integrates with a range of version control systems, including Git, SVN, and TFS. This allows developers to commit changes to their SQL code and collaborate with other team members more effectively.

One of the key features of SQL Prompt's integration with version control systems is the ability to compare and merge SQL code changes. This allows developers to see exactly what has changed in their SQL code over time and to merge changes made by different team members into a single codebase. SQL Prompt also includes powerful diff and merge tools that can be used to resolve conflicts and ensure that all changes are incorporated into the codebase.

SQL Prompt's integration with version control systems also makes it easy to roll back changes if necessary. This is particularly useful in large codebases where changes made by different team members may conflict with each other. By using version control systems and SQL Prompt's diff and merge tools, developers can ensure that their SQL code is always up-to-date and free from errors.

SQL Prompt's integration with version control systems is a powerful tool for developers who need to manage SQL code in a collaborative environment. By using version control systems and SQL Prompt's powerful tools for diff and merge, developers can ensure that their SQL code is always up-to-date, error-free, and easy to collaborate on.


Subversion (SVN) is a centralised version control system that has been widely used by developers for many years. SVN is open-source and provides a range of features that make it easy to track changes to code over time, collaborate with other team members, and manage code releases.

One of the key features of SVN is its ability to track changes to code using a system of revisions. Each revision represents a snapshot of the code at a particular point in time, along with a description of the changes that were made. This makes it easy to see what has changed in the codebase over time and to revert to previous versions of the code if necessary.

SVN also provides powerful collaboration features, including the ability to share code changes with other team members using branches and merges. Branches allow developers to work on different features or changes to the codebase independently, while merges provide a mechanism for integrating changes made by different team members.

Another key feature of SVN is its support for locking files. This allows team members to prevent other team members from making changes to the same file at the same time, reducing the risk of conflicts and making it easier to manage changes to the codebase.

SVN also provides a range of tools for managing code releases, including the ability to tag specific revisions and create branches for bug fixes or new features.

SVN is a powerful and reliable version control system that provides a range of features to help developers manage changes to their codebase in a collaborative environment. Its support for revisions, branches, and merges, along with its locking and release management features, make it a popular choice for developers working on both small and large projects.

Collaboration Tools

Collaboration tools help developers work together on the same project, regardless of their location. They offer features such as chat, project management, and file sharing, which make the development process faster and easier.

The following are the top collaboration tools used in the UK:



Asana is a web-based collaboration tool that helps teams manage their projects and tasks. It offers a range of features to help teams stay organised, communicate effectively, and work together more efficiently. Asana has become a popular tool among businesses and teams of all sizes because of its user-friendly interface, customisable workflows, and powerful collaboration features.

Asana is free for up to 15 users and has a tiered price plan for more users.

One of the key features of Asana is its task management system. Users can create tasks, assign them to team members, and set due dates and priorities. Asana also offers a range of project templates and automation tools to help users get started quickly and streamline their workflows.

Asana also offers a range of collaboration features to help teams work together more effectively. Users can add comments and attachments to tasks, mention other team members, and create custom workflows and approvals processes. Asana also offers a range of integrations with other tools and services, such as Slack, Google Drive, and Salesforce. This makes it easy to incorporate Asana into existing workflows and processes.

Another advantage of Asana is its reporting and analytics features. Users can track progress and performance with real-time dashboards, reports, and charts. Asana also offers a range of customisation options, such as the ability to create custom fields and workflows, which makes it easy to tailor the platform to fit specific needs.

Asana also offers a range of productivity features to help users stay focused and organised. Users can create task dependencies, set reminders, and create custom views to see tasks and projects from different perspectives. Asana also offers a mobile app, which makes it easy to stay on top of tasks and collaborate with team members on the go.

Asana is a powerful collaboration tool that offers a range of features to help teams manage their projects and tasks more effectively. Its user-friendly interface, customisable workflows, and powerful collaboration features make it a popular choice among businesses and teams of all sizes.

GitHub or GitLab

GitHub and GitLab are web-based collaboration tools designed for software developers to manage their source code repositories, track changes, and collaborate on projects. Both platforms offer a range of powerful features and integrations that make them popular choices among software development teams.

One of the key features of GitHub and GitLab is their version control system based on Git. This allows teams to track changes to their code over time, collaborate on different versions of the code, and easily revert changes if needed. Both platforms offer powerful branching and merging features that make it easy for teams to work on different versions of the code simultaneously.

Another advantage of GitHub and GitLab is their collaboration features. Users can create issues, assign them to team members, and track their progress in real-time. Both platforms also offer pull requests, which allow developers to propose changes to the codebase and collaborate on them before they are merged into the main codebase. This helps ensure that code is thoroughly reviewed and tested before it is released.

GitHub and GitLab also offer a range of integrations with other tools and services, such as Jira, Slack, and Trello. This makes it easy to incorporate these tools into existing workflows and processes.

GitHub and GitLab also offer a range of productivity features to help developers work more efficiently. Users can create custom notifications and alerts, set up automation workflows, and create custom dashboards and reports. Both platforms also offer mobile apps, which make it easy to stay on top of tasks and collaborate with team members on the go.

GitHub and GitLab are powerful collaboration tools designed to help software development teams work more effectively. Their version control system, collaboration features, integrations, and productivity tools make them popular choices among businesses and teams of all sizes.

GitHub starts at $4 per user per month while their enterprise package is $21 per user per month.


Jira is a web-based project management and issue tracking tool developed by Atlassian. It is a highly customisable and powerful collaboration tool designed to help teams manage projects and track issues throughout the software development lifecycle. Jira has become a popular tool among software development teams because of its flexibility, powerful features, and scalability.

This collaboration tool starts with a free package, however their standard package is $7.75 per user per month while their premium package is $15.25 per user per month.

One of the key features of Jira is its issue tracking system. Users can create issues, assign them to team members, and set priorities and due dates. Jira also offers a range of customisable workflows and issue types to fit different needs and processes. Users can also create custom fields and dashboards to track progress and performance.

Jira also offers a range of collaboration features to help teams work together more effectively. Users can add comments and attachments to issues, mention other team members, and create custom notifications and alerts. Jira also offers a range of integrations with other tools and services, such as GitHub, Confluence, and Slack. This makes it easy to incorporate Jira into existing workflows and processes.

Another advantage of Jira is its reporting and analytics features. Users can track progress and performance with real-time dashboards, reports, and charts. Jira also offers a range of customisation options, such as the ability to create custom workflows and issue types, which makes it easy to tailor the platform to fit specific needs.

Jira also offers a range of productivity features to help users stay focused and organised. Users can create custom filters and views, set reminders and due dates, and create custom boards and lists to track tasks and issues. Jira also offers a mobile app, which makes it easy to stay on top of tasks and collaborate with team members on the go.

Jira is a powerful collaboration tool that offers a range of features to help software development teams manage projects and track issues more effectively. Its flexibility, powerful features, and scalability make it a popular choice among businesses and teams of all sizes.


OneSignal is a collaboration tool that allows teams to communicate, collaborate, and manage tasks in real-time. OneSignal is a web-based platform that provides a range of features to help teams work together more efficiently and effectively.

One of the key features of OneSignal is its ability to facilitate real-time communication between team members. OneSignal provides a range of communication tools, including chat, video conferencing, and screen sharing, that allow team members to stay connected and collaborate seamlessly.

The OneSignal collaboration tool has a growth minded pricing ranging from a free package for small business to $99 for a professional liscence.   

OneSignal also provides powerful task management features, including the ability to create and assign tasks, track progress, and set deadlines. This allows teams to manage their workflows more effectively, ensuring that tasks are completed on time and to a high standard.

Another key feature of OneSignal is its support for integrations with other tools and services. OneSignal integrates with a wide range of tools and services, including project management tools, productivity apps, and customer relationship management (CRM) software. This allows teams to work with the tools they are most comfortable with, while still benefiting from the collaboration and communication features provided by OneSignal.

OneSignal is also highly customisable, with a range of customisation options available to help teams tailor the platform to their specific needs. This includes the ability to customise the interface, set up custom workflows, and automate tasks and processes.

OneSignal is a powerful and flexible collaboration tool that provides a range of features to help teams communicate, collaborate, and manage tasks more effectively. Its real-time communication tools, task management features, support for integrations, and customisation options make it a popular choice for teams of all sizes and industries.


SenBird is a cloud-based collaboration tool designed to help teams work together more effectively. It is a simple, intuitive platform that offers a range of features to streamline communication, collaboration, and project management. SenBird has become a popular tool among businesses and teams of all sizes because of its user-friendly interface, powerful features, and affordability.

One of the key features of SenBird is its chat and messaging system. Users can create channels for different teams or projects, and then invite team members to join them. This makes it easy to communicate and collaborate in real-time, without having to switch between different tools or platforms. SenBird also offers a range of customisation options, such as the ability to set custom notification preferences and create custom emojis.

SenBird has a free option and ranges up to $599 per month for their Pro version. 

SenBird also offers a range of project management features to help teams stay organised and on track. Users can create tasks, assign them to team members, and set due dates and priorities. SenBird also offers a range of integrations with other tools and services, such as Google Drive, Trello, and GitHub. This makes it easy to incorporate SenBird into existing workflows and processes.

Another advantage of SenBird is its productivity features. Users can create to-do lists, set reminders, and create custom views to see tasks and projects from different perspectives. SenBird also offers a range of reporting and analytics features to help users track progress and performance.

SenBird is also affordable and offers a range of pricing plans to fit different needs and budgets. Its free plan offers basic features for small teams, while its paid plans offer more advanced features and customisation options.

SenBird is a powerful collaboration tool that offers a range of features to help teams work together more effectively. Its user-friendly interface, affordability, and powerful features make it a popular choice among businesses and teams of all sizes.


Slack is a widely used collaboration tool that enables users to communicate and collaborate with their team members in a streamlined and organised way. It is a cloud-based platform that provides a centralised location for team conversations, file sharing, and collaboration. Slack has quickly become a popular tool among businesses of all sizes, from startups to large enterprises.

One of the main advantages of Slack is its ability to streamline communication. Users can create channels for different projects, departments, or topics, and invite team members to join them. This way, team members can easily communicate with each other, share files and documents, and collaborate on tasks without having to switch between different tools or platforms.

Slack also offers a range of integrations with other tools and services, such as Google Drive, Trello, and Salesforce. This enables users to easily share information from other platforms and keep all their work in one place. Slack ranges in pricing from a free plan to $12.50 for a business package. 

Another advantage of Slack is its search functionality. Users can easily search for specific messages, files, or even people, making it easier to find important information and streamline workflows.

Slack also offers a range of features to help users stay organised, such as the ability to pin important messages and create reminders. Additionally, Slack has a range of customisation options, such as the ability to set custom notification preferences, which can help users stay focused and avoid distractions.

Slack is a powerful collaboration tool that offers a range of features to help teams communicate, collaborate, and stay organised. Its ease of use, integrations, and customisation options make it a popular choice among businesses and teams of all sizes.


Trello is a collaboration tool that helps teams organise and manage their projects and tasks visually. It is a web-based platform that uses a board and card system to keep track of tasks and progress. Trello has become a popular tool among teams and businesses of all sizes because of its intuitive interface, flexibility, and ease of use.

Like the other collaboration tools, Trello ranges in cost from free to $17.50 for enterprise users.

One of the key features of Trello is its board and card system. Users can create boards for different projects or teams, and then create cards for individual tasks or sub-tasks. This makes it easy to visualise the progress of a project and assign tasks to specific team members. Users can also add labels, due dates, and attachments to cards to provide additional context and information.

Another advantage of Trello is its flexibility. Users can customise boards and cards to fit their specific needs, such as adding custom fields or creating custom workflows. Trello also offers a range of integrations with other tools and services, such as Google Drive, Slack, and GitHub. This makes it easy to incorporate Trello into existing workflows and processes.

Trello also offers a range of collaboration features to help teams work together more effectively. Users can add comments to cards, mention other team members, and assign tasks to specific individuals. This makes it easy to keep track of progress and collaborate on tasks in real-time.

Trello also offers a range of productivity features to help users stay organised and focused. Users can set due dates and reminders for tasks, as well as create checklists to break down larger tasks into smaller steps. Trello also offers a calendar view, which makes it easy to see upcoming deadlines and events.

Trello is a powerful collaboration tool that offers a range of features to help teams organise and manage their projects and tasks. Its flexibility, ease of use, and integrations make it a popular choice among businesses and teams of all sizes.

Testing and Debugging Tools

Testing and debugging tools help software developers identify and fix bugs in their code. They are essential for ensuring that software is reliable and performs as expected.

The following are the top testing and debugging tools used in the UK:



Crozdesk offers a range of testing and debugging tools to help software developers and quality assurance teams ensure that their applications are running smoothly and free from errors. Crozdesk testing and debugging tools are available at a cost, but the pricing varies depending on the specific tools and services that are being used.

Crozdesk provides a range of pricing options, including both monthly and annual subscriptions. Some of the tools and services offered by Crozdesk are priced on a per-user basis, while others are priced based on the number of projects or tests being performed.

One of the key benefits of Crozdesk's testing and debugging tools is their ability to automate testing processes. This can save developers and QA teams a significant amount of time, as automated tests can run much faster than manual tests. Additionally, automation can help ensure that all necessary tests are performed, reducing the risk of errors being missed.

Crozdesk's testing and debugging tools also offer a range of other useful features, including integration with popular development and testing frameworks, support for a wide range of programming languages and platforms, and collaboration tools that enable teams to work together more effectively.

Overall, Crozdesk's testing and debugging tools are a powerful set of resources that can help software developers and QA teams improve the quality of their applications while also saving time and effort in the testing and debugging process. While there is a cost associated with using these tools, the benefits they provide can help justify the expense for many organisations.

Crozdesk starts at $50/ month while their more expensive option is $120/month.


JUnit is an open-source testing framework that is available to developers at no cost. This means that developers and quality assurance teams can use JUnit testing and debugging tools without incurring any licensing or subscription fees.

JUnit provides a range of features that help developers write and execute automated tests for Java-based applications. These tools can save developers and QA teams significant time and effort, as they can quickly and efficiently test code changes and ensure that applications are free from errors.

One of the key benefits of JUnit testing and debugging tools is their ability to integrate with popular development environments and continuous integration (CI) systems. This can help developers easily incorporate testing into their workflow, ensuring that all changes are thoroughly tested before being released. This integration can also help identify issues early in the development process, which can help reduce the time and cost of fixing defects.

JUnit also provides a range of reporting and analytics features that help developers identify and resolve issues in their applications. These features can provide detailed information about which tests have passed and failed, enabling developers to quickly identify areas that need improvement.

JUnit testing and debugging tools offer a powerful set of resources that can help developers and QA teams ensure that their applications are of high quality and free from errors. And since JUnit is open-source and free to use, it is an attractive option for organisations that are looking for a cost-effective way to improve the quality of their software.


Mockito is a popular, open-source testing framework for Java that enables developers to create mock objects in unit tests. It provides an easy way to simulate the behaviour of dependencies that are not yet implemented or are difficult to test. Mockito allows developers to isolate the system under test from its dependencies, making it easier to test the functionality of the code.

Mockito works by creating a mock object of the dependency and defining its behaviour using Mockito APIs. The mock object behaves as if it were the real object, and developers can test their code without having to worry about the implementation of the dependency.

One of the key benefits of using Mockito is that it simplifies the testing process by reducing the complexity of the code. Developers can test their code by focusing on the business logic rather than dealing with the intricacies of the dependencies. Mockito makes it easier to write and maintain tests, as it provides a clean and concise syntax for defining mock objects.

In addition to creating mock objects, Mockito also provides a powerful debugging tool that can help developers identify issues in their code. The debugging tool allows developers to step through the code and inspect the behavior of the mock objects. This can be particularly useful when debugging complex code or when trying to understand how a particular piece of code works.

Another key feature of Mockito is its ability to generate code coverage reports. These reports provide developers with insight into how much of their code is covered by their tests. This information can be used to identify areas of the code that may need more testing or to optimise the testing process.

In summary, Mockito is a powerful testing and debugging tool for Java developers. It simplifies the testing process by providing an easy way to create mock objects and isolate dependencies, while its debugging tool and code coverage reports help developers identify and address issues in their code. By using Mockito, developers can write cleaner, more maintainable code and ensure that their applications are robust and reliable.


Postman is a popular testing and debugging tool for API development. It provides a user-friendly interface for developers to test their API endpoints, send requests, and view responses in various formats such as JSON, XML, and HTML.

One of the key features of Postman is its ability to create and save collections of requests. Collections allow developers to organise their API requests and easily re-run them with a single click. Postman also supports environment variables, which can be used to store and switch between different API environments such as development, staging, and production.

In addition to testing and debugging, Postman also supports API documentation generation. Developers can create and share documentation with team members or external parties, making it easier to onboard new developers or integrate with third-party systems.

Postman provides a range of tools for debugging API requests, including a console for viewing detailed logs, as well as tools for inspecting and manipulating request and response headers. Developers can also set up tests to automatically verify API responses, ensuring that the expected data is returned and the API is functioning as expected.

Overall, Postman is a powerful tool for API development, testing, and debugging. Its user-friendly interface and wide range of features make it a popular choice among developers of all levels of experience. Whether you're building a simple web application or a complex system with multiple APIs, Postman can help streamline your development process and improve the quality and reliability of your APIs.

Postman offers a free version and 3 paid versions. Basic costs $12 per user per month, Professional is $29 per user per month and Enterprise costs $99 per user per month.


SonarQube is an open-source testing and debugging tool that is designed to analyse and measure code quality. It can help developers identify and fix bugs, security vulnerabilities, and technical debt. SonarQube supports more than 25 programming languages and is widely used in the software development industry.

SonarQube works by analysing the codebase and providing feedback on code quality. It uses static code analysis to identify potential bugs, code smells, and security vulnerabilities. It also provides metrics such as code coverage, duplication, and complexity. These metrics can help developers understand the quality of their code and prioritise technical debt.

One of the main benefits of SonarQube is its integration with popular code repositories and build tools. It can be easily integrated into the development workflow, providing continuous feedback on code quality. This can help developers catch issues early on and prevent them from becoming larger problems down the road.

In addition, SonarQube provides a user-friendly interface for exploring code issues and identifying areas for improvement. It allows developers to view detailed reports on code quality, track progress over time, and set goals for improvement. This can help teams collaborate more effectively and make data-driven decisions about code quality.

Overall, SonarQube is a powerful tool for testing and debugging code. It can help developers identify and fix issues early on, improve code quality, and reduce technical debt. Its ease of integration and user-friendly interface make it a popular choice for teams looking to improve their development process.


TestNG is a popular testing framework for Java-based applications that provides a range of testing and debugging tools to help software developers and quality assurance teams ensure that their applications are running smoothly and free from errors. TestNG is available as an open-source tool, which means that it is available to users at no cost.

One of the key benefits of TestNG testing and debugging tools is their ability to automate testing processes. This can save developers and QA teams a significant amount of time, as automated tests can run much faster than manual tests. Additionally, automation can help ensure that all necessary tests are performed, reducing the risk of errors being missed.

TestNG testing and debugging tools also provide a range of reporting and analytics features that help developers identify and resolve issues in their applications. These features can provide detailed information about which tests have passed and failed, enabling developers to quickly identify areas that need improvement.

In addition to automation and reporting features, TestNG testing and debugging tools offer a range of other useful features. For example, TestNG supports parallel testing, which allows developers to test multiple scenarios simultaneously, saving time and effort in the testing process.

Overall, TestNG testing and debugging tools offer a powerful set of resources that can help developers and QA teams ensure that their applications are of high quality and free from errors. And since TestNG is available as an open-source tool at no cost, it is an attractive option for organisations that are looking for a cost-effective way to improve the quality of their software.

TestNG starts at $29/month billed annually and their team package starts at $150/month for 5 users.

Visual Studio Test

Visual Studio Test is a popular testing and debugging tool provided by Microsoft. It is used to test and debug software applications in a variety of programming languages including C++, C#, and Visual Basic.

One of the key features of Visual Studio Test is its ability to automate testing. It allows developers to create automated test scripts and run them against their application to check for bugs and errors. This saves time and effort compared to manual testing, and helps to ensure that the application is thoroughly tested before release.

Visual Studio Test also includes a range of debugging tools. These tools enable developers to find and fix bugs in their code by stepping through it line-by-line and inspecting variables and objects. The debugger also allows developers to set breakpoints in their code, which pause execution at a specific point and enable them to examine the state of the application.

Another useful feature of Visual Studio Test is its integration with other Microsoft development tools. For example, it can be used in conjunction with Visual Studio Code to provide a seamless testing and debugging experience for developers.

This testing and debugging tool also supports a range of testing frameworks, including NUnit and MSTest. This means that developers can choose the framework that best suits their needs and integrate it into their testing workflow.

Visual Studio Test is a powerful testing and debugging tool that provides developers with a range of features to help them create high-quality software applications. Its ability to automate testing, its range of debugging tools, and its integration with other Microsoft development tools make it a valuable addition to any developer's toolkit.

Visual Studio Test is free for individuals, and costs from $45 to $250 for businesses.

Framework Tools

A tool that provides a structure and set of guidelines for developing applications, making it easier to build and maintain software systems.

The following are the top Framework Tools used in the UK:



Angular is an open-source, front-end web development framework that has gained significant popularity among developers for creating scalable, dynamic, and high-performing web applications. It provides an extensive set of tools and features that make it easier for developers to build complex applications efficiently.

Angular CLI is a command-line interface tool that helps in automating tasks such as project creation, component generation, testing, and deployment.

Angular Material is a UI component library that provides pre-built and customisable components such as buttons, forms, grids, and menus.

RxJS, or Reactive Extensions for JavaScript, is a library that helps in managing and handling asynchronous data streams in Angular applications.

TypeScript is a superset of JavaScript that provides features like static typing, interfaces, and classes to make Angular code more maintainable and error-free.

Karma and Jasmine are testing frameworks that help in writing and running unit tests for Angular applications.

Protractor is an end-to-end testing framework that helps in automating tests for Angular applications.

Angular Universal is a server-side rendering solution that helps in improving the performance and SEO of Angular applications.

AngularFire is a library that provides a set of tools for building Angular applications with Firebase, a cloud-based platform for building web and mobile applications.

These are some of the essential Angular tools that help in building high-quality and scalable web applications. With the help of these tools, developers can create robust applications that meet the needs of businesses and end-users.


Bootstrap is a popular front-end development framework that offers developers a wide range of tools and resources for creating responsive and mobile-first websites. Some of the key tools offered by Bootstrap are as follows:

  1. Grid System: Bootstrap provides a 12-column grid system that allows developers to create responsive layouts for their websites. The grid system is flexible and can be customised to fit different screen sizes and devices.
  2. Pre-built Components: Bootstrap offers a range of pre-built components that developers can use to build their website. These components include navigation bars, dropdown menus, forms, buttons, and much more. This makes it easier for developers to build their website without having to start from scratch.
  3. JavaScript Plugins: Bootstrap includes a range of JavaScript plugins that developers can use to add functionality to their website. These plugins include carousels, modals, tooltips, and much more. These plugins can be customised to fit the needs of the website.
  4. Typography: Bootstrap provides a range of typography options that developers can use to improve the readability and visual appeal of their website. This includes a range of font sizes, styles, and weights.
  5. Customisation: Bootstrap is highly customisable, and developers can easily modify the framework to fit their needs. This includes customising the colours, fonts, and other design elements of the framework.

Bootstrap provides developers with a comprehensive set of tools and resources for building responsive and mobile-first websites. It is a free, open-source framework which is easy to use, highly customisable, and offers a range of pre-built components and plugins that can save developers time and effort in the development process.


Django is an open-source web framework built on the Python language that offers a wide range of tools and features to help developers build web applications quickly and efficiently. These tools include a powerful administrative interface called Django Admin, which allows developers to manage the content of their application with ease.

One of the most important features of Django is its Object-Relational Mapping (ORM) system. ORM provides an interface between the application code and the database, allowing developers to interact with the database using Python code rather than SQL. This feature makes it easier to manage the data in the application, as well as ensure the security of the data.

Another essential tool provided by Django is the Django Forms framework, which makes it easy to create and validate HTML forms. This feature includes built-in functionality such as Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) protection and automatic validation. Additionally, Django Middleware provides a way to add functionality to the request/response processing flow of a Django application. It can be used to perform tasks such as authentication, caching, or logging.

One of the most popular third-party packages available for Django is the Django REST Framework. This toolkit provides a set of tools for building Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) in Django. It includes features such as serialisation, authentication, and more, making it easier for developers to build APIs quickly, efficiently, and securely.

Overall, Django provides developers with a wide range of powerful tools and features that help them build scalable and maintainable web applications. Its active community and extensive documentation make it an ideal choice for developers looking to build web applications quickly and efficiently.


React is a free, popular front-end JavaScript library used for building user interfaces (UI). It provides developers with a declarative programming model and component-based architecture that enables the creation of complex UIs with ease. To work efficiently with React, developers often use a variety of tools and frameworks to streamline their workflow, improve their productivity and enhance the quality of their code.

One essential tool used in React development is a code editor. Popular code editors used in React development include Visual Studio Code, Sublime Text, Atom, and WebStorm. These editors offer various features, including syntax highlighting, auto-completion, and code formatting that help developers write efficient, high-quality code.

Another popular tool in React development is a package manager like npm or yarn. Package managers help to manage and install dependencies that are essential for building React applications. React developers also use build tools like webpack, gulp, and grunt to optimise the build process and manage assets.

React also has a wide range of libraries and frameworks that complement its functionality, such as Redux, React Router, and Material-UI. Redux is a state management library that simplifies state management in complex React applications, while React Router is a routing library that enables developers to navigate between different pages and components of their application. Material-UI is a popular React UI library that offers a set of pre-built components and styles to speed up the development process.

In conclusion, React development requires a set of tools and frameworks that enable developers to build efficient, high-quality applications with ease. These tools include code editors, package managers, build tools, and libraries/frameworks that extend React's functionality. By utilising these tools, React developers can enhance their productivity, streamline their workflow, and build better applications.

Spring Boot

Spring Boot is a free, powerful and popular framework for building web applications in Java. It comes equipped with a variety of useful tools and features that make the development process faster and more efficient.

One of the key features of Spring Boot is its embedded server, which allows developers to quickly test and deploy applications without the need for an external server. This makes it easy to get up and running with new projects and quickly iterate on changes.

Another important tool in the Spring Boot arsenal is its dependency management system. By using a centralised dependency management tool like Maven or Gradle, developers can easily add and manage libraries and frameworks that are needed for their application. This simplifies the development process and reduces the risk of conflicts and errors.

Spring Boot also includes a variety of other features and tools to help developers streamline their workflow. These include auto-configuration, which automatically configures many common components of an application based on best practices, and the Spring Actuator, which provides a variety of tools for monitoring and managing applications.

Finally, Spring Boot has a large and active community of developers who contribute to the framework and provide support and resources to others. This community is one of the key strengths of Spring Boot and helps to ensure that it remains a top choice for Java developers looking to build robust and scalable web applications.


Vue.js is a popular, open-source, JavaScript framework that is widely used by developers for building dynamic user interfaces. It is a progressive framework that can be used for building small to large-scale applications.

Vue.js provides developers with a wide range of tools that can help them to build complex web applications with ease. These tools include:

  1. Vue CLI - This is a command-line interface tool that helps developers to create new Vue projects with pre-configured settings. It allows developers to generate components, add plugins, and manage the project's structure easily.
  2. Vue DevTools - This is a browser extension tool that allows developers to inspect and debug their Vue applications in real-time. It provides a graphical interface for developers to examine their Vue components and their data.
  3. Vuex - This is a state management library for Vue.js that helps developers to manage the state of their applications efficiently. It provides a centralised store for the application's data, which can be accessed by all components.
  4. Vue Router - This is a routing library for Vue.js that helps developers to build single-page applications with multiple views. It provides a way to navigate between different components in a Vue application.
  5. Vue Test Utils - This is a testing utility for Vue.js that allows developers to write unit tests for their Vue components. It provides a way to test the behaviour and functionality of the components in isolation.

Overall, Vue.js provides developers with a robust set of tools that can help them to build powerful and scalable web applications. With its simple and easy-to-learn syntax, Vue.js is an excellent choice for both new and experienced developers.


Weaveworks is an open-source framework for building web applications that allows developers to build scalable and maintainable applications with ease. The framework provides a set of tools that make it easier to write and manage web applications. Here are some of the key tools that the Weaveworks framework provides:

  1. Routing: The routing tool in the Weaveworks framework helps developers to map URLs to specific endpoints in their application. This makes it easier to manage and organize the application's endpoints.
  2. Templating: Weaveworks provides a templating engine that allows developers to create dynamic HTML pages easily. The templating engine supports various template languages like Handlebars, Mustache, and Twig.
  3. Middleware: Middleware is a tool that allows developers to execute code before and after the request is processed. This allows developers to add functionalities like authentication and logging to their application.
  4. Database: Weaveworks provides database integration tools that allow developers to connect their application to a database. The framework supports various database types like MySQL, PostgreSQL, and MongoDB.
  5. Authentication: The Weaveworks framework provides authentication tools that help developers to add authentication functionality to their application easily.
  6. Error Handling: The framework provides a centralised error handling mechanism that makes it easier to manage errors in the application.
  7. Testing: The Weaverworks framework provides testing tools that help developers to test their application code easily. The testing tools support various testing frameworks like Mocha, Chai, and Jest.

Weaveworks is a powerful framework that provides a set of tools that make it easier to build web applications. The framework's tools make it easier to manage endpoints, databases, authentication, error handling, testing, and more. By leveraging the Weaveworks framework, developers can build robust and scalable web applications with ease.

Database Tools

A tool that is used for managing and organising data in a database, including database design, creation, querying, and maintenance.

The top database tools used in the UK include:



DBSchema is a powerful database tool that enables developers to design, manage, and document databases of all sizes and complexity. It is a cross-platform software that runs on Windows, Mac, and Linux operating systems. DBSchema supports all major database types, including MySQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle, SQL Server, and MongoDB.

One of the key features of DBSchema is its visual design capabilities, which allow users to create and modify database schemas using an intuitive drag-and-drop interface. This makes it easy to define tables, columns, relationships, and constraints, and visualise the overall structure of the database.

DBSchema also includes a data editor that enables users to view and modify the data in their databases directly from within the application. This can be particularly useful for debugging and troubleshooting, as well as for exploring and analysing large datasets.

Another powerful feature of DBSchema is its ability to generate detailed documentation for databases. With just a few clicks, users can create comprehensive reports that include information on table structures, column data types, indexes, constraints, and more. This can be particularly useful for teams working on collaborative projects, as it provides a clear and concise overview of the database structure and schema.

In addition to these core features, DBSchema also includes a number of other useful tools, including a SQL editor, schema synchronisation capabilities, and support for reverse engineering existing databases. Overall, DBSchema is a versatile and powerful database tool that can save developers a lot of time and effort in managing and documenting their databases.

DBSchema has three package options: Academic - costing $98, Personal - costing $196 and Commercial - costing $294.Each of these requires a yearly renewal fee when using the most up-to-date version of the software. This renewal fee is $50 for personal users and $75 for commercial users.


DBeaver is a popular open-source database management tool that is used by developers, data analysts, and database administrators for efficient management of databases. It supports a wide range of databases, including PostgreSQL, MySQL, Oracle, SQL Server, MongoDB, and many others. It is available for Windows, macOS, and Linux operating systems.

One of the key features of DBeaver is its intuitive user interface, which is designed to simplify the management of databases. It provides a wide range of tools for managing database objects such as tables, views, stored procedures, and triggers. The tool allows users to create, edit, and delete these objects with ease, using its user-friendly graphical interface.

Another feature of DBeaver is its support for SQL scripting, allowing users to write complex SQL queries and scripts to automate database management tasks. It also supports various data visualisation features, which enable users to analyze data and generate reports.

DBeaver also provides advanced security features such as encryption, authentication, and authorisation, making it an ideal tool for managing sensitive data. It also offers support for various plugins, allowing users to extend the functionality of the tool according to their needs.

In addition to its open-source version, DBeaver also offers a commercial enterprise edition, which provides additional features such as team collaboration, advanced data modeling, and enhanced performance.

Overall, DBeaver is a powerful and versatile database management tool that provides an intuitive user interface, support for a wide range of databases, and advanced security features. Its open-source nature and support for plugins make it a popular choice among developers and database administrators.

MySQL Workbench

MySQL Workbench is a powerful, intuitive and open-source graphical tool used to design, develop and administer MySQL databases. It offers a unified visual interface for database architects, developers, and database administrators to easily manage their MySQL databases, while also providing robust functionality for advanced users. MySQL Workbench supports both local and remote MySQL server instances, allowing for easy access and management of databases on a variety of platforms.

The tool provides an intuitive user interface for creating and modifying database schemas, including tables, columns, indexes, and relationships. It also offers visual design tools that allow users to generate and manipulate database entities using drag-and-drop functionality. MySQL Workbench can also import existing databases, tables, and data from other sources, making it easy to migrate existing data to a MySQL database.

MySQL Workbench also provides advanced features for database management and administration, including data modeling, SQL code generation, query profiling and performance tuning, database backup and restore, and user management. It also allows for the execution of complex SQL queries and the creation of stored procedures, triggers, and functions.

One of the most important features of MySQL Workbench is its ability to generate SQL code for database objects and data. This functionality makes it easy to create and modify databases, tables, and data using a graphical interface and then generate the necessary SQL code for use in other applications.

Overall, MySQL Workbench is an essential tool for anyone working with MySQL databases. Its user-friendly interface, advanced functionality, and open source license make it a valuable resource for database developers and administrators.


Navicat is a powerful database management tool that provides a user-friendly interface for managing databases. It is widely used by database administrators, developers, and data analysts for its ease of use, reliability, and robust features.

With Navicat, users can connect to different types of databases, including MySQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle, SQLite, SQL Server, and more. Once connected, users can create, modify, and manage databases, tables, views, indexes, triggers, and stored procedures.

One of Navicat's most notable features is its intuitive user interface, which makes it easy for users to perform complex database operations without needing to know complex SQL commands. The interface provides a visual representation of the database schema, allowing users to quickly navigate and modify the database structure. The tool also offers a variety of customisation options, including colour schemes, keyboard shortcuts, and layout settings.

Navicat also includes advanced data modeling and design features that allow users to design and model databases visually, as well as generate SQL scripts from the models. This feature saves time and ensures accuracy when creating and modifying database schemas.

Other notable features of Navicat include data synchronisation, data backup and restore, and data migration. These features allow users to transfer data between different databases, automate routine tasks, and ensure data integrity and security.

Overall, Navicat is an indispensable tool for managing databases, whether you are a database administrator, developer, or data analyst. Its user-friendly interface, robust features, and reliable performance make it a top choice for anyone working with databases.

Navicat offers a 14 day free trial and cost $69.99 for Enterprise users per month and $34.99 for individuals.


Radix is a modern database tool designed to provide a fast and reliable way of storing, managing and querying data. Unlike traditional databases that rely on SQL to access and manipulate data, Radix is based on a new data model that enables developers to work with data in a more flexible and efficient way.

One of the key features of Radix is its ability to store data in a hierarchical structure, which makes it ideal for storing complex data sets such as JSON or XML. This hierarchical structure is achieved through the use of a graph-based data model, which allows for the creation of complex relationships between data objects. This makes it easy for developers to model data that is interconnected and interdependent, and to query that data in a way that is both efficient and easy to understand.

Another important feature of Radix is its support for distributed data storage. Radix allows developers to store data across multiple nodes, which means that data can be distributed across a network of servers or even across the internet. This makes it easy for applications to scale to handle large volumes of data, and ensures that data is always available, even in the event of a network outage or hardware failure.

Radix also includes a powerful query language that allows developers to query data using a variety of different criteria, including full-text search, geospatial queries, and even graph-based queries. This makes it easy to retrieve and analyse data in a way that is tailored to the needs of the application.

Overall, Radix is a powerful database tool that offers a number of key advantages over traditional databases. With its flexible data model, support for distributed data storage, and powerful query language, Radix is ideal for developers who need a fast, reliable, and scalable way to store and manage data.

Radix offers a variety of tools and pricing models, but requires you to contact them for pricing options.

SQL Server Management Studio

SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) is a powerful database tool that is used to manage and administer Microsoft SQL Server. It is a free tool that can be downloaded from Microsoft's website and provides a comprehensive suite of features that help in developing, deploying, and administering SQL Server databases.

One of the primary functions of SSMS is to create and manage SQL Server databases. The tool allows users to design and create databases from scratch, as well as manage existing databases by creating and modifying tables, indexes, and views. Users can also create and manage users and permissions, configure security settings, and create backups and restore databases.

Another significant feature of SSMS is its ability to run and debug queries. Users can write and execute SQL queries, view query results, and debug stored procedures and functions. The tool also provides a rich set of tools to analyze query performance, including query plans and performance metrics.

SSMS also includes features that allow users to manage SQL Server instances, such as creating and configuring server instances, managing server settings, and monitoring server activity. Users can also manage and deploy SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS) packages, and schedule and automate routine maintenance tasks using SQL Server Agent.

SQL Server Management Studio is an essential tool for SQL Server developers and administrators. Its comprehensive suite of features helps in developing, deploying, and administering SQL Server databases, making it an indispensable tool for anyone working with SQL Server.

SQL Server Management Studio is free for individuals and developers, however for Standard CAL (being their starting priced package) the cost is $209 and for Enterprise packages the cost is $13748.


pgAdmin is an open-source administration and management tool for the PostgreSQL relational database management system. It provides a graphical user interface that simplifies the management of PostgreSQL databases and allows developers and database administrators to perform various tasks, such as creating and managing databases, tables, and users, executing SQL queries, and monitoring database performance.

One of the key features of pgAdmin is its ability to manage multiple PostgreSQL servers and databases from a single location. Users can connect to remote servers and databases, and perform various operations such as creating and managing schemas, indexes, constraints, and triggers. Additionally, the tool includes a SQL editor that supports syntax highlighting, auto-completion, and code debugging.

The user interface of pgAdmin is intuitive and user-friendly, with a tree-like navigation panel that allows users to access and manage different aspects of the database. The tool also provides a visual query builder that allows users to create complex queries without writing SQL code.

Another useful feature of pgAdmin is its ability to generate reports on database performance and activity. It includes tools to monitor server resources, track database queries, and diagnose performance issues.

In summary, pgAdmin is a powerful and user-friendly database administration and management tool for PostgreSQL databases. Its intuitive user interface and robust features make it an ideal tool for developers and database administrators who need to manage and monitor large PostgreSQL databases.

Deployment and Hosting Tools

Deployment and hosting tools help developers deploy and host their software. They are essential for ensuring that software is accessible and available to users.

The top deployment and hosting tools used in the UK include:



Amazon Web Services (AWS) offers a variety of deployment and hosting tools that allow users to quickly and easily deploy and manage their applications in the cloud. It also offers a variety of pricing options for these tools. These tools are designed to provide a range of options for users with varying levels of expertise, making it possible for anyone to take advantage of the power of the cloud.

One of the most popular deployment tools offered by AWS is Elastic Beanstalk, which allows users to deploy and manage web applications without having to worry about the underlying infrastructure. Elastic Beanstalk takes care of the scaling, monitoring, and deployment of the application, making it easy for developers to focus on writing code.

Another popular deployment tool offered by AWS is AWS CloudFormation, which allows users to define their infrastructure as code. This means that users can define their infrastructure using a template, which can then be used to create and manage their resources in a repeatable and automated way.

AWS also offers a number of hosting tools, including Amazon EC2, which provides users with a virtual server that can be used to run applications and services. Amazon S3, on the other hand, provides users with an object storage service that can be used to store and retrieve data, while Amazon RDS provides a managed database service that makes it easy to set up, operate, and scale a relational database.

Other hosting tools offered by AWS include Amazon Lightsail, which provides users with a virtual private server that is pre-configured with a variety of popular applications, and AWS Lambda, which allows users to run code without having to worry about the underlying infrastructure.

Overall, AWS deployment and hosting tools offer users a range of options for deploying and managing their applications in the cloud. Whether you're a seasoned developer or just getting started, AWS has the tools you need to take advantage of the power of the cloud.


Cloudsmith is a powerful deployment and hosting tool that enables users to manage, store, and distribute their software packages and binaries easily. It is designed to simplify the software development process and improve efficiency by automating the management of packages and artifacts, from creation to distribution.

Cloudsmith starts at $89 for their Pro package while their Velocity packages cost $699.

One of the key features of Cloudsmith is its flexibility. It supports multiple package formats such as npm, Docker, PyPI, Maven, and many others. This makes it an ideal choice for developers working on projects that use different programming languages or tools. With Cloudsmith, users can manage their packages in one central location and easily distribute them to different teams or clients.

Cloudsmith also offers a range of advanced security features, including granular access controls, encryption at rest, and two-factor authentication. These features help to keep packages and artifacts secure and reduce the risk of data breaches. Additionally, Cloudsmith provides extensive reporting and auditing capabilities, allowing users to monitor package usage and track changes over time.

Another key benefit of Cloudsmith is its scalability. It can handle packages of any size, from small libraries to large binaries, and can support thousands of users and teams. This makes it an ideal choice for businesses and organizations of all sizes, from small startups to large enterprises.

Overall, Cloudsmith is a versatile and powerful deployment and hosting tool that offers many benefits for software development teams. Its flexibility, security features, and scalability make it an ideal choice for organizations looking to streamline their software development process and improve efficiency.


Docker deployment and hosting tools are essential components in the modern software development and deployment process. Docker is a containerisation technology that allows developers to package their applications and dependencies into a single container, which can be deployed to any environment without worrying about differences in operating systems, libraries, or other infrastructure components.

Docker deployment tools provide an automated and streamlined way of deploying Docker containers to production environments. They automate the deployment process, making it faster, more reliable, and easier to manage. Some popular Docker deployment tools include Docker Compose, Kubernetes, and Docker Swarm.

Docker Compose is a tool that allows developers to define and run multi-container Docker applications. It simplifies the process of defining and running multi-container Docker applications, allowing developers to focus on writing code instead of managing infrastructure.

Kubernetes is a popular container orchestration tool that helps manage and automate containerised applications. It provides a highly scalable and fault-tolerant platform for deploying, managing, and scaling containerized applications.

Docker Swarm is a native clustering and orchestration tool for Docker containers. It allows developers to create and manage a swarm of Docker nodes, which can be used to deploy and manage applications.

Docker hosting tools, on the other hand, are tools that allow developers to host their Docker containers on different platforms, such as cloud providers, virtual private servers (VPS), or on-premises servers. Some popular Docker hosting tools include Docker Hub, Amazon Web Services (AWS), and Google Cloud Platform (GCP).

Docker Hub is a cloud-based registry service that allows developers to store and share their Docker images. It provides an easy way to share and distribute Docker images, making it easier for developers to collaborate and deploy their applications.

AWS and GCP are cloud-based hosting platforms that provide a wide range of services for hosting Docker containers, such as container registry, container service, and container optimisation. They provide a scalable and reliable platform for deploying and managing containerised applications.

Docker deployment and hosting tools are essential components for modern software development and deployment. They provide an automated and streamlined way of deploying and managing Docker containers, making it easier for developers to focus on writing code and delivering value to their customers.

Docker is free for individual developers, education and open source communities and their paid packages start at $5 for Pro, $9 for Team and $24 per user per month for Business.

Google Cloud Platform

Google Cloud Platform (GCP) offers a range of tools and services that make it a powerful platform for deploying and hosting applications. These tools enable developers and businesses to build, deploy, and scale applications quickly and easily on GCP.

One of the key tools offered by GCP is Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE). GKE is a managed Kubernetes service that provides a highly available and scalable infrastructure for running containerized applications. It enables you to deploy, manage, and scale applications with ease.

Another important tool is Google App Engine (GAE), which is a fully managed platform that enables you to deploy web and mobile applications. GAE provides automatic scaling, load balancing, and a range of built-in services such as databases and storage.

Cloud Functions is a serverless compute service that enables you to run code in response to events. It supports multiple programming languages and provides a scalable, cost-effective way to run small, single-purpose functions.

Cloud Run is a managed compute platform that lets you run stateless containers on a fully managed serverless environment or on a fully managed Kubernetes environment. It provides a flexible and scalable way to deploy and run containerized applications.

Cloud Build is a continuous integration and delivery (CI/CD) platform that automates building, testing, and deploying your code. It supports a wide range of languages and platforms, including Docker containers and Kubernetes manifests. Cloud Build is a powerful tool for automating your software delivery pipeline.

Finally, Cloud Storage is a highly scalable and durable object storage service that enables you to store and retrieve data from anywhere on the internet. It provides high availability and strong consistency, making it suitable for storing and serving static assets such as images, videos, and documents.

GCP offers a range of powerful tools and services for deploying and hosting applications. Whether you are building a simple website or a complex enterprise application, GCP provides the tools you need to build, deploy, and scale your applications with ease.

Google Cloud Platform offers 3 packages: the Basic plan, which costs $5/month, the Standard plan, which costs $10/month and the Premium plan, which costs $20/month


Heroku is a cloud-based platform that provides an easy and efficient way to deploy, manage, and scale applications. It is a Platform as a Service (PaaS) solution that supports multiple programming languages, including Java, Python, Node.js, and Ruby, among others. Heroku provides several deployment and hosting tools that make it easy for developers to deploy their applications to the cloud.

One of the key benefits of Heroku is its ease of deployment. Developers can deploy their applications using Git, which allows for easy collaboration and version control. Heroku also provides a command-line interface (CLI) that allows developers to manage their applications from the command line. The CLI provides a simple way to deploy applications, scale resources, and perform other administrative tasks.

Heroku also provides a range of add-ons that can be easily integrated into applications. These add-ons include databases, caching, monitoring, and logging services, among others. Developers can easily add these services to their applications using the Heroku dashboard or the CLI.

In addition to its deployment and hosting tools, Heroku provides a range of features to help developers manage and scale their applications. For example, Heroku automatically scales resources based on the demand for an application. This means that developers do not need to worry about managing server capacity or scaling their applications manually.

Overall, Heroku provides an easy and efficient way to deploy and manage applications in the cloud. Its deployment and hosting tools, along with its scalability and management features, make it a popular choice for developers who want to focus on building great applications without worrying about infrastructure management.

Heroku's Eco package costs $5 per month, while their Production package costs $25 per month and their Advanced package starts at $250 per month.


Jenkins is an open-source automation server that is widely used for continuous integration (CI) and continuous delivery (CD). It provides a wide range of deployment and hosting tools that can automate the process of deploying software applications to different environments and hosting platforms.

One of the most important features of Jenkins is its ability to integrate with various version control systems, such as Git and Subversion, allowing developers to automatically build, test, and deploy their code changes whenever they push them to the repository. Jenkins can also integrate with various testing frameworks, such as JUnit and Selenium, to perform automated testing and generate reports on the results.

Jenkins offers a variety of plugins and extensions that can be used to deploy applications to different environments, including cloud platforms like AWS, Azure, and Google Cloud. These plugins enable developers to automate the entire deployment process, including building and packaging the application, deploying it to the target environment, and configuring it as required.

Another important feature of Jenkins is its ability to host applications on different platforms, such as Docker containers and Kubernetes clusters. Jenkins can automate the process of building and deploying applications to these platforms, as well as monitoring and managing them.

In conclusion, Jenkins is a powerful automation server that provides a wide range of deployment and hosting tools for software applications. It allows developers to automate the entire process of building, testing, and deploying their code changes, making it easier and faster to deliver high-quality software to end-users.

Microsoft Azure

Microsoft Azure is a cloud computing platform that offers a range of deployment and hosting tools to help users manage their applications and services on the cloud. These tools make it easier for developers to deploy and manage their applications on Azure, improving efficiency, scalability, and reliability.

One of the key deployment tools offered by Azure is the Azure Resource Manager (ARM). This tool allows users to create, manage, and deploy resources in Azure, such as virtual machines, storage accounts, and networking components, all in a single, consistent, and repeatable manner. The ARM also provides a comprehensive view of all the resources deployed in a subscription, making it easier to manage and troubleshoot resources.

Another deployment tool offered by Azure is the Azure DevOps, which provides a complete set of tools for planning, building, testing, and deploying applications. It integrates with Azure services, such as Azure Container Registry, Azure Kubernetes Service, and Azure App Service, allowing users to deploy applications to various Azure environments quickly.

Azure also offers several hosting tools, such as Azure App Service, Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS), and Azure Container Instances (ACI). Azure App Service provides a platform for hosting web and mobile applications, while AKS allows users to deploy and manage containerised applications using Kubernetes. ACI offers a serverless option for running containers on Azure, allowing users to run containers without having to manage the underlying infrastructure.

Azure provides a range of deployment and hosting tools to help users deploy and manage their applications on the cloud with ease. These tools allow developers to scale their applications quickly, increase efficiency, and reduce downtime, making Azure an attractive platform for businesses of all sizes.

Azure starts their pricing for developers at $29, their second package is their Standard package at $100 and their Professional package is $1000.


In conclusion, there is a wide range of software development tools that can help developers build and maintain software applications. From IDEs and code editors to version control systems and collaboration tools, there are many options available to developers. By using the top 56 software development tools used in the UK, software developers can streamline their workflow, improve collaboration, and build high-quality software applications that meet the needs of users.

Whether you're a seasoned software developer or just starting out, it's important to stay up-to-date on the latest software development tools and technologies. Make informed decisions using these top 56 software development tools and stay ahead of the curve with efficient software.

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Software tools 101

World-class software tools that allow you to start, run and grow your business.

The top programming languages used in the UK include Java, Python, C#, JavaScript, and PHP.

Yes, there are many free software development tools available, including Visual Studio Code, Git, and Notepad++.

What is the difference between an IDE and a code editor?

An IDE is an all-in-one software development tool that provides a developer with everything they need to build software in one package. A code editor, on the other hand, is a lightweight tool that provides developers with only the basic functionality needed to write code.

Version control is the process of managing changes to code over time. It allows developers to track changes to code and collaborate with others on the same project.

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